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If you have any questions for Talenthouse Tilburg, we can be reached in 3 ways.

1. Send your question about working as a student via Talenthouse Tilburg to
2. We can also be reached via Whatsapp on 06 1171 58 99.
3. Or you can also call us between 9 am and 6 pm on working days on 06 1171 58 99.

We aim to answer your question by e-mail or Whatsapp within 48 hours at the latest.

Address Talenthouse Tilburg:

Talenthouse Tilburg B.V.

Heuvelpoort 334

5038 DV Tilburg

06 1171 58 99

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Talenthouse Tilburg. For study related part-time jobs in the region

brain drain

Talenthouse Tilburg

As a city with many students, Tilburg is full of talents. Students with valuable know how due to their studies. With its extensive and intelligent matching platform,Talenthouse Tilburg is the connection between students looking for a study-related side gig and companies in Tilburg with part-time job openings.