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Talenthouse Tilburg | The matching platform for European students & companies in Tilburg

As a student city, Tilburg is bustling with talent. Students who have valuable knowledge through their field of study. With the extensive, intelligent matching platform, Talenthouse Tilburg forms the link between EU students looking for a study-related part-time job and companies in Tilburg with part-time job vacancies.

Talenthouse for EU students in Tilburg

We offer European students the opportunity to gain more practical experience that matches their field of study. European students in Tilburg can register for free at Talenthouse Tilburg in an accessible way. After enrolling, you as a student create an extensive profile based on study and work experience.

Talenthouse for companies in Tilburg

With our intelligent matching platform we offer companies the opportunity to find the best candidate for the open part-time job vacancy based on student profiles.

In this way we ensure the perfect match between EU students & companies.

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Talenthouse Tilburg. For study related part-time jobs in the region

brain drain

Talenthouse Tilburg

As a city with many students, Tilburg is full of talents. Students with valuable know how due to their studies. With its extensive and intelligent matching platform,Talenthouse Tilburg is the connection between students looking for a study-related side gig and companies in Tilburg with part-time job openings.